Community Noticeboard
Conditions of Use
The community noticeboards at all libraries and community facilities are provided by Hume City Council to enhance the provision of information to the community, recognising the needs of a diverse community and thereby fostering community participation.
Community noticeboards are made available for community use at most, but not all, libraries, community centres and Hume Global Learning Centres (HGLCs).
Hume Libraries service points:
- Broadmeadows Library, located in the Hume Global Learning Centre - Broadmeadows
- Craigieburn Library, located in the Hume Global Learning Centre - Craigieburn
- Sunbury Library, located in the Hume Global Learning Centre - Sunbury
- Tullamarine Library
- Gladstone Park Community Library, located in the Gladstone Park Secondary College
Community centres service points:
- Broadmeadows Community Hub
- Greenvale West Community Centre
- Aitken Hill Community Centre
- Newbury Child and Community Centre
- Homestead Community and Learning Centre
- Craigieburn Community Services Hub
- Kalkallo Community Centre
- Mickleham North Community Centre
Community notices may be suitable for inclusion on the hard copy noticeboard if they comply with the following:
- Only notices promoting activities and/or events with a learning outcome or cultural harmony, or those of significant public interest will be displayed.
- Material displayed will be of general interest, such as community events, courses, lectures, government announcements, newsletters, club information, or informational brochures or similar.
- Material offered for display on Community Noticeboards may, from time to time, include controversial subject matter. Our practice is to accept all material without bias or judgement, provided it meets Council’s policies, guidelines and Social Justice Charter and is not derogatory, defamatory, racist, pornographic, obscene, libellous or incites hatred of any kind.
- Notices must publicise activities or events that are occurring within Hume City or have specific relevance to the Hume community.
- The notice needs to be provided to Council at least two weeks before the start date of your event/opportunity.
- The organisation/provider responsible for issuing the notice must be clearly visible and recognisable on the notice and contact details (phone number and/or email address) of the organisation/provider must be provided.
- You may lodge enquiries and/or your items for display either in person at any library, community centre or Hume Global Learning Centre, hard copy by mail or by email to
- Notice postings will be at the discretion of Hume City Council, whereby Council’s decision is final.
- No organisation/provider has the right to have its material displayed indefinitely.
- Petitioning, solicitation, distribution of leaflets, canvassing or similar types of direct appeals by members of the public are not allowed in any Council facility.
- The following categories of organisations or services may not advertise or be advertised on the community noticeboards:
- Political organisations
- Lobby groups
- Manufacturers and distributors of tobacco products and illicit drugs
- Manufacturers and distributers of alcohol
- Gambling and betting services
- The following categories of products may not advertise or be advertised on the community noticeboards:
- Tobacco
- Alcohol
- Illicit drugs
- Pornography and adult content
- Notices are not permitted to be displayed outside the designated community noticeboards and/or display areas. Any notices displayed outside the designated areas (e.g., on pillars, doors, walls) will be removed.
- For information to be displayed in a language other than English, Council reserves the right to seek independent translation prior to posting.
- Hume City Council takes no responsibility for the physical condition or the unauthorised removal of notices.
- Notices provided to libraries, community centres of HGLCs will not be returned once removed from noticeboard.
- Your notice will not be considered for inclusion or will be removed if it is not in accordance with one or more of the conditions listed under ‘Content’ or ‘Your obligation’.
- The electronic noticeboards in the libraries and community centres are not available for community notices.
April 2022