Writing Competition 2024

Published on 28 August 2024


We'd like to congratulate all the winners and runners up of our Hume Libraries Creative Writing Competition 2024. Well done to all the writers who entered - we received a record number of entries, and we loved reading your stories, articles and poems.



Winners and runners up for each category:


Category 1: Ages 6–12

Winner: Akari M - "Rememberance"

Runner-up: Ala'a A - "Ala's Spring Holidays"                     


Category 2: Ages 1317

Winner: Sahnan S - "The Lone Tree"                                 

Runner-up: Isha S - "Once"


Category 3: Ages 18+

Winner: Anshul S - "Hume Poem"                                      

Runner-up: Evelyn C - "Sunbury Hume Poem"


Eligible pieces may also be entered in the Hume Youth Services 2024 anthology. 


Books for inspiration!

Terms and Conditions

  1. The promoter of this competition is Hume City Council (Council).
  2. The competition is open only to people aged 6 years and up who live, work or attend a school in Hume City.
  3. Hume Libraries Writing Competition is open for entries on Monday 15 April 2024. Entries close on Monday 24 June 2024. Late entries will not be accepted.
  4. There will be $600 amount major prize/s and $450 amount of small prize/s, with a total prize pool value of $1,050.
  5. Prizes are non-transferrable and non-exchangeable.
  6. Entries should be submitted via the online form attaching the file type .doc or .docx, with numbered pages. Please do not put your name in the header or footer, so that blind judging can occur.
  7. Up to three short stories per person may be submitted.
  8. Submissions must be no longer than 2000 words.
  9. Stories submitted must be the entrant’s own work.
  10. All submitted entries are non-returnable.
  11. Copyright remains with the author, but by entering the competition the author grants Hume City Council license to use, name and publish the story for promotional purposes including publication in print, broadcast and/or electronic media without any fee payment, for the purposes of promoting the competition or areas related to the organiser’s work.
  12. Hume City Council reserves the right to move entrants' submission into the most appropriate category based on their age. 
  13. Entrants under the age of 18 years must have the permission section of the online entry form completed by a parent or guardian agreeing to the terms and conditions.
  14. The judging panel’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Only winners and runners-up will be contacted.
  15. Council will attempt to contact the winners and runners-up. If no contact can be made, entry into the competition will be regarded as permission to publish the entry and the winners and runners-up names in accordance with the terms and conditions of the competition.


Privacy Statement

Hume City Council is strongly committed to the responsible handling of personal information and protecting an individual's right to privacy, in accordance with our obligations under the Privacy and Data Act 2014 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic). Council is collecting personal information for the purposes of the Hume Libraries Writing Competition (2024), as specified in the terms and conditions. This information will be used solely for this purpose and will not be disclosed to any other party except as required by law. If you do not provide this information, Council cannot register your entry for the Hume Libraries Writing Competition 2024. You may access this information by contacting Council on 9205 2200.