Membership Conditions

1. General Conditions

  • Welcome to Hume Libraries! Library membership is free and open to anyone.
  • In order to gain access to and use Hume Libraries’ collections and public computers, you will need to sign your library card, and/or the library card of the child under fifteen (15) years of age for whom you are taking responsibility. This signed card will serve as a legally enforceable document to state that you have read, understood, agree with and undertake to comply with these Membership conditions and the Conditions of Use as listed on every computer and prior to accessing the Wi-Fi facilities.
  • To become a library member, we will ask you for your full name and current address, including postcode, your mobile and/or landline phone number and your email address.
  • If you are an applicant younger than fifteen (15) years of age you must have your membership card signed by a parent or guarantor who agrees to take physical and financial responsibility for the library materials you borrow, library equipment that you use, and/or information that you access electronically (for example via the internet).
  • Children in any Hume Libraries’ facility, who are under twelve (12) years of age, must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible person. Parents/carers are responsible for a child’s welfare as well as monitoring and regulating their behaviour. Library staff may refer to appropriate authorities those children who are left unattended in the library.
  • In order to borrow library materials, the membership card or digital barcode via Hume Libraries app must be produced.
  • In order to access the internet and library computers, the membership card or digital barcode via Hume Libraries app must be produced.
  • Hume Libraries must be notified immediately if a membership card is lost or stolen.
  • Lost, stolen or damaged membership cards will attract a replacement charge.
  • Hume Libraries needs to be informed as soon as possible if you change your name, address and/or contact details.
  • Any number of items can be borrowed from and returned to any library within the Hume municipality. However, some restrictions may apply for some materials.
  • Items can be returned 24/7 through the return chutes located at the Broadmeadows Library, the Craigieburn Library, the Sunbury Library and the Tullamarine Library.
  • The usual loan period is three (3) weeks for most items.
  • Items will be renewed automatically up to two times provided they are not reserved by others.
  • Reservations can be made for items for loan in the library catalogue. Customers will be notified via their preferred notification method when requested items are available.
  • As a member of Hume Libraries, you can use your library card to borrow at any Libraries Victoria sharing library service. By using your membership at other sharing library services, you consent to those services accessing your details for administrative purposes. Additionally, any activity conducted will be subject to the conditions of use of the respective library service.
  • Fees apply to reservations filled by other non-sharing library services (an ‘interlibrary loan’).
  • The replacement charge for a lost or damaged item is the original cost of the item.
  • Any breach in these conditions may result in immediate withdrawal of membership privileges.


Approved November 2022. 

2. General Public Internet and Computers' Condition of Use


  • The public computers and Wi-Fi facilities offered by Hume Libraries are the property of Hume City Council and as such, usage of these facilities is managed and monitored by Council staff. 
  • The Conditions of Use will be implemented by the Coordinator, Libraries, as follows: 
    • Informing staff through existing induction and training processes. 
    • Placing these Conditions of use on Hume Libraries’ website and other prominent places within Hume Libraries. 
    • Providing a link to the Conditions of use on all public computers. 
    • Ensuring all persons who seek to use a public computer within Hume Libraries’ facilities are aware of and agree to the conditions of use via the Public PC Usage Agreement on the desktop of each public computer, which must be agreed to prior to commencing any session. 
    • Providing a paper copy of these Conditions of use to new library members before they sign their library card. 
  • Hume City Council operates its libraries from the following locations: 
    • Broadmeadows Library in the Hume Global Learning Centre - Broadmeadows 
    • Craigieburn Library in the Hume Global Learning Centre - Craigieburn 
    • Sunbury Library in the Hume Global Learning Centre - Sunbury 
    • Tullamarine Library 
    • Gladstone Park Community Library   
  • Hume Libraries’ public computers are for the use of library members only. Any person seeking to gain access to the public computers must have a current library membership card. Library membership cards are not transferrable to family or other community members. Access cannot be granted by one library member on behalf of another person. 
  • In order to use Hume Libraries’ public computers, each member will need a signed library membership card and/or the library card of a child less than 15 years of age for whom you are taking responsibility. This signed card will serve as a legally enforceable document to state that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with the relevant Conditions of Use for publically accessible computers offered for use by Hume Libraries. 
  • Library members who wish to use the public computers must comply with the Public PC Usage Agreement and these Conditions of use as displayed during the log in procedure on every public computer. 
  • Users who do not agree to comply with these Conditions of use will not be permitted to use the computers or the Wi-Fi service in any of Hume Libraries’ locations. 
  • All Hume Libraries’ service points will provide access to public computers and Wi-Fi. 
  • Access to public computers and Wi-Fi is free of charge. 
  • Bookings for the use of public computers can be made only for the specified time limits per person per day. 
  • Documents created or edited on a council computer that a user wishes to keep must be saved onto one’s own portable storage device, such as a USB drive. 
  • USB drives can be purchased from library staff for your convenience. A small fee is applicable. 
  • Users are prohibited from adjusting, changing or tampering with settings on computers or printers. 
  • A maximum of two (2) people is allowed per computer, unless indicated otherwise. 
  • Courtesy to fellow library users and staff is expected at all times. 
  • If you need help using technology, staff will facilitate access and assist you to: 
    • Start and end your session 
    • Manage your printing and copying 
    • Find a website or form 
    • Create an email account 
    • Start a document or email 
    • Logon on to the Wi-Fi 
    • Be safe online 
    • Access other sources of assistance. 
  • Library staff cannot assist with 
    • Reading or interpreting documents or emails for you or provide advice on their content 
    • Completing forms or applications 
    • Typing documents or emails 
    • Trouble-shooting or configuring devices 
    • Assist with or provide advice on content or transactions which may be financial, legal, medical or personal.

  • For more in-depth assistance, customers have the option to book into free one-on-one technology help sessions.
  • When accessing audio or video, sound must be muted or users’ own headphones must be used for private listening.
  • Mobile Charge Bars are available for users’ convenience in selected library branches. In addition, users may use available power points in public access areas. Users are not permitted to interfere with any device already connected to Mobile Charge Bars or power points.
  • Hume City Council is not liable for theft of or damage to personal items. You are advised to always keep your personal belongings with you.
  • In interpreting the above, each computer user must follow the reasonable direction of library staff.
  • Any breach of these conditions may result in immediate withdrawal of library privileges.


Approved December 2022. 

3. Wireless (WiFi) Internet Conditions of Use

  • Free Wi-Fi is offered to all customers at all service points of Hume Libraries.
  • Use of the Wi-Fi network within Hume Libraries is governed by Hume Libraries’ Conditions of use, as per above.
  • Hume City Council cannot guarantee the security of the Wi-Fi connection. Access and use of the Wi-Fi service is at your own risk.
  • The Wi-Fi service is open and public; it is recommended that you don't send or receive sensitive / personal information or conduct activities such as internet banking whilst connected to a public Wi-Fi connection.
  • It is recommended that anti-virus software or firewalls are installed and kept up to date on your personal wireless device. 
  • Please be aware that Virtual Private Networks may not be compatible with our public Wi-Fi service.
  • Access to printing services from mobile devices via the wireless network is available via our Mobile Print service.
  • Users of the Wi-Fi service are obliged to comply with the provisions relating to the Display of Objectionable Material and Other Legalities section within this document. 
  • In interpreting the above, each user must follow the reasonable direction of library staff.


Approved December 2022.  

4. Technical and General Conditions

  • Altering, destroying or damaging equipment, software or data belonging to the library or another person or tampering with local or remote computer files is not permitted and may result in the immediate withdrawal of library privileges.
  • Members must not attempt to make changes to the setup or configuration of the computers. This includes loading of software applications, including games.
  • Most computers have USB ports available for use. Users are advised to remove your USB prior to ending their session.
  • USBs accidentally left in the USB ports or the library will be kept by the library for a period of four weeks. If not collected by the owner within this period, USBs will be sent for secure recycling by a Council approved contractor.
  • Hume City Council reserves the right to limit download amounts and may restrict access to certain websites, including - but not limited to - content streaming sites to ensure equitable access to all users.
  • Hume City Council runs anti-virus software. If a virus is identified, the software will attempt to clean the infected files.
  • Public internet, computers and Wi-Fi are provided in Hume Libraries’ facilities as a complementary service.
  • Hume Libraries cannot always guarantee the availability of computers or the internet and Wi-Fi service.
  • Hume Libraries is a certified eSmart Library. Whilst every effort is made to make users aware of cyber safety practices, library staff are not responsible for the online safety of library users.
  • The responsibility remains with the library member to ensure that their usernames, passwords, and other security-based information are kept private.
  • Display of materials on any electronic device in any library does not indicate endorsement by Hume City Council.
  • Hume City Council cannot guarantee the authority and/or reliability of any material accessed online.
  • Library users are responsible for verifying the accuracy of material that is accessed or downloaded. Hume City Council does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of any material displayed on any electronic device.
  • Security measures on the computer or Wi-Fi network may prevent some attachments from being downloaded. Firewall may also prevent access to certain websites.
  • While every effort has been taken to ensure computer users have a productive, informative and enjoyable experience, library members use the public computer and Wi-Fi service at their own risk.


Approved December 2022.   

5. Computer Bookings Conditions of Use

  • Without a booking, Council cannot reasonably assure users that they will have access to a computer while visiting a Hume Libraries branch.
  • Computers are accessible within the library using the individual user’s library card number and PIN.
  • Advance bookings can be made using the web-based PC Reservation system or in-house using the individual user’s library card number and PIN.
  • Self-serve bookings to use the computers can be made up to seven (7) days in advance
  • Bookings made via the PC Reservations system will be held for ten (10) minutes from commencement of the booking. The time is defined by the computer clock. The booking will lapse if the session is not logged on within these ten (10) minutes.
  • At the end of the allotted time the system will provide a ten (10) minute warning and then a one (1) minute warning. It is the member’s responsibility to ensure all work is saved appropriately. Any data saved on the computer will be cleared when the computer is restarted. At the end of the session the computer will automatically log out and all data not saved on a portable device will be lost.
  • Public computers will display an alert 15 minutes prior to the library closing time.
  • Public computers and the print management system are available for use up until ten (10) minutes prior to the library closing time when the computers will automatically shut down.


Approved December 2022. 

6. Printing Conditions of Use

  • Wired printing is a service available to members of Hume Libraries only.
  • Print jobs can also be sent to library printers from remote locations for release by library users within a selected Hume Libraries branch using the MyMonitor web print portal. Using our mobile print service requires a library membership.
  • Users are responsible for their own printing costs at all times and must pay the current advertised charge per page.
  • Printing can be paid for via EFTPOS, online, or by topping up the individual customer’s library account for self-serve printing at the larger library branches.
  • For payment in cash at all library branches, customers are requested to seek assistance from library staff.
  • Non-released print jobs will automatically be deleted after 48 hours.


Approved December 2022.  

7. Parental Responsibility

  • All children aged twelve (12) and under must be accompanied and supervised by a parent/guardian when using the library computers.
  • Parents, guardians or guarantors are responsible for the use of computers by persons under the age of 18 even if not physically accompanying young people in the library.
  • Hume Libraries are certified eSmart. Whilst every effort is made to make users aware of cyber safety practices, library staff do not supervise children using any kind of technology while in the library.
  • The library respects the responsibility of all parents/legal guardians to guide their own children’s use of the library’s computer services. Parents/guardians concerned about the types of materials available on the internet should work with their children and help select resources consistent with their family’s boundaries and values.
  • Parents/guardians have the option of requesting their child’s computer access be disabled.
  • Parents may book an internet session on their own library card for their child in order to accompany him/her while using the internet.


Approved December 2022.   

8. Display of Objectionable Material and Other Legalities

  • Material displayed from any audio/visual device in any Hume City Council building must be appropriate for a public or general community setting. 
  • Online gambling within library facilities is not permitted, and may result in the immediate withdrawal of library privileges. 
  • Users are responsible for abiding by all copyright, censorship and other relevant laws and legislation when accessing, posting, reproducing forwarding, saving and/or printing materials. 
  • Users must not transmit or print any material of an illegal, offensive or derogatory nature. 
  • Inappropriate use of the public internet, computer or Wi-Fi service may result in the following actions: 
    • You may be asked to leave the library. 
    • Access to the public internet and computers may be temporarily withdrawn. 
    • The matter may be referred to the Manager City LifeCommunity Strengthening. 
    • The matter may be reported to the relevant authorities as outlined in General Local Law No. 1 – 2013. 


 Approved December 2022. 


9. Breach of These Conditions of Use

  • Aside from the transmission or printing of offensive material, which is dealt with in a separate section above, breaches of these Conditions of use may result in the first instance in a verbal explanation of these Conditions of use and their rationale.
  • In the second instance, access to the public internet and computers may be withdrawn.


 Approved December 2022. 


10. Privacy

  • Personal information is collected in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
  • Hume City Council respects your privacy. Personal information is collected for the purpose of conducting library business only, according to Council’s Information Privacy and Health Records Policy.
  • When you book a public computer, your library card data is collected for statistical and system administration purposes.
  • Hume Libraries cannot guarantee privacy during or after use of the computers. These computers are available on a public network; therefore no guarantee can be made concerning the privacy or security of information provided through this service. Ensuring you log your computer session off according to instructions when you have finished your session will help protect your privacy.
  • Connection to a wireless network is not as secure as a connection to a wired network (i.e. – the public access computers).
  • When you access the Libraries’ Wi-Fi service, some non-personal information may be automatically recorded by our servers for statistical and system administration purposes only. This includes the operating system and browser type used on your device.
  • Council will collect the IP and MAC address of any wireless enabled device that access the Libraries' Wi-Fi once Conditions of use have been accepted.
  • To the extent that this automatically generated data could make you identifiable, we will not attempt to identify individuals unless required by law.
  • Our Privacy Policy does not extend to third-party websites and apps. Hume Libraries are not responsible for the use of your personal information by any third-party website or app. It is recommended that when you link to a third-party site, you read the privacy statement of that site to familiarise yourself with their privacy policy.
  • Resources for protecting your privacy and staying smart online are available from our website, as well as from library staff. 


 Approved December 2022.