eBooks and Audiobooks


Discover the great range of titles available now. Free to download and no overdues. All you need is your Library Card number and PIN.





Our largest collection of eBooks as well a large selection of Audiobooks. Arabic, Hindi, Tagalog and Turkish items available. cloudLibrary now also features eMagazines and eNewspapers as part of our recently released NewsStand integration.


Download cloudLibrary for Android

Download cloudLibrary for iOS

Download cloudLibrary for Kindle Fire


Getting started with a mobile

  1. Download and launch the cloudLibrary App.

  2. Launch the app.

  3. Select Country and State 

  4. Select Hume Libraries.

  5. Enter library card number and PIN.

  6. Accept terms and conditions.

  7. Browse, borrow and start reading!

Getting started with a computer

  1. Download Adobe Digital Editions and create an Adobe ID (eBooks)

  2. Download Windows Media Player or iTunes (eAudiobooks)

  3. Go to  cloudLibrary  website

  4. Click on Login, enter your library card number and PIN

  5. Click Login button and Accept button

  6. Browse and make your selection, click Borrow

  7. Click Read or Download for offline reading to download to your device. 

  8. Locate the downloaded ACSM file and right click to open it with Adobe Digital Editions

  9. My Books shows your current loans, holds and loan history.

Transferring an eBook to an eReader

  1. Download the eBook to your computer.

  2. Attach the eReader to your computer.

  3. Once the device name appears in the list on the left side of Adobe Digital Editions, drag the eBook onto the eReader.

  4. Disconnect the eReader and start reading.

Please note: Library eBooks are not compatible with Kindle devices.


Our largest collection of Audiobooks as well as a large selection of eBooks with a focus on Australian and children’s content. BorrowBox now features a selection of great eMagazine titles.


Download BorrowBox for Android

Download BorrowBox for iOS

Download BorrowBox for Kindle Fire 


Getting started with a mobile

  1. Download and launch the BorrowBox App.

  2. Launch the app.

  3. Enter Hume Libraries.

  4. Enter library card number and PIN.

  5. Tap Sign In.

  6. Accept terms and conditions.

  7. Browse, borrow and start reading!

Getting started with a computer

  1. Download Adobe Digital Editions and create an Adobe ID (eBooks)

  2. Download Windows Media Player or iTunes (eAudiobooks)

  3. Go to BorrowBox website

  4. Click on Sign In 

  5. Enter your library card number and PIN

  6. Click Sign In

  7. Browse and make your selection, click Borrow

  8. For offline reading click Download button and Download for eReader (Adobe ePub).

  9. Locate the downloaded ACSM file and right click to open it with Adobe Digital Editions

  10. My Loans shows your current loans and holds.

Transferring an eBook to an eReader

  1. Download the eBook to your computer.

  2. Attach the eReader to your computer.

  3. Once the device name appears in the list on the left side of Adobe Digital Editions, drag the eBook onto the eReader.

  4. Disconnect the eReader and start reading.

Please note: Library eBooks are not compatible with Kindle devices.