

Discover a great range of resources and titles available now specifically for children. Free to use and no overdues.  







Story Box Library

Your favourite childrens’ stories read by famous Australian authors and celebrities.


Download Story Box Library for Android

Download Story Box Library for iOS 


Getting started with a mobile

  1. Download and launch the Story Box Library App.
  2. Tap Get Started.
  3. Tap Log In With Library Access.
  4. Select Hume Libraries and tap OK.
  5. Enter library card number and tap Log In.
  6. Enter library PIN and tap Log In.
  7. Browse, explore and start streaming!


Getting started with a computer

  1. Visit the Storybox Library website
  2. Enter your library card number
  3. Click Log In
  4. Optional: Click Remember Me if preferred.
  5. You can now browse and stream content on Storybox Library


cloudLibrary Kids

Browse our largest collection of eBooks as well a large selection of eAudiobooks in Kids Mode on your personal device. 


Download cloudLibrary for Android

Download cloudLibrary for iOS

Download cloudLibrary for Kindle Fire 


Getting started with a mobile

  1. Download and launch the cloudLibrary App.

  2. Launch the app.

  3. Select Country and State 

  4. Select Hume Libraries.

  5. Enter library card number and PIN.

  6. Accept terms and conditions.

  7. Select Account on bottom menu.

  8. Toggle on Kids Mode.

  9. Browse, borrow and start reading!


Free STEAM Resources


Sphero Coding

* Requires a Sphero robot


Ozobot Coding

* Requires an Ozobot

Coding Online


A coding platform for kids



Free coding lessons for all ages



Free lessons in HTML, JavaScript, Python, C++ and more

Coding Apps

Box Island

A coding adventure



Solve puzzles using programming